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About Us

"Move Boldly, Create Endlessly"

At FIXIO Physical Therapy, movement is our passion and your recovery is our priority.
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Meet Your Local Physical Therapist in Pearland TX

Jedidiah Tan is a dedicated physical therapist passionate about helping nurses, doctors and professionals regain control of their life. He believes in personalized treatment plans that address your specific needs and goals, focusing on alleviating pain, restoring function, and preventing future injuries through "targeted therapy".

FIXIO PT & Wellness

Founded by Jedidiah Tan, a dedicated physical therapist and husband with a passion to help people

FIXIO was made for nurses, doctors and professionals who wish to find a solution to their health. By using the latest research based techniques we can help  "FIX-YOU" in the shortest time possible,  through targeted therapy. 

We believe in personalized care that addresses your specific needs and goals. Whether you're looking to return to work without limitations, enjoy pain-free quality with loved ones, or simply regain your confidence in movement, we're here to guide you every step of the way.

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FIXIO Physical Therapy - Jedidiah Tan - Pearland TX - Our Mission


To provide a permanent solution to pain, injury and limitation. Helping Nurses, Doctors and Professionals regain control of their life


We aim to grow and be recognized in the community, by being able to deliver results faster, efficiently and to help our clients keep them. We envision that in the future, we will be the first that comes to mind when people are in pain or injury

FIXIO Physical Therapy - Jedidiah Tan - Pearland TX - Vision