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Physical Health
& Wellness Blogs

Getting Started With Physical Therapy

Gain insights on improving movement and pain management.

5 Easy Ways to Keep your Body in Top Condition, Pain-free and Full of Energy

In our fast-paced lives, it's easy to neglect our bodies, leading to pain, fatigue, and a lack of energy. However, by incorporating simple habits into our daily routine, we can ...
Jedidiah Tan
Jedidiah Tan

Top 7 Injuries of Nurses That Physical Therapy Can Treat

Nursing is a demanding profession that requires frequent lifting, transferring, and positioning of patients, as well as long hours of standing and walking. These activities can ...
Jedidiah Tan
Jedidiah Tan

Helpful Tips on Avoiding Injury

Learn tips from a certified physical therapist on how to prevent injuries.

5 Common Workplace Injuries of Healthcare Professionals

Healthcare professionals, including nurses and doctors, play a vital role in our healthcare system, providing care and support to patients. However, the demanding nature of their ...
Jedidiah Tan
Jedidiah Tan

How Healthcare Professionals Can Prevent Work-Related Injuries

Preventing work-related injuries for nurses and doctors involves a combination of ergonomic practices, proper training, and workplace policies. As healthcare professionals, nurses ...
Jedidiah Tan
Jedidiah Tan